Process your return in three simple steps:
- Register your return
Report a return in your customer account on the Return page within the Return period.
You can only select one merchant per return request at a time. If you want to return products from different merchants, complete the return process for each merchant separately.
- Record product condition and return type
Select a reason for your return as well as its packaging condition and indicate how you would like to return the product. Then click on "Enter return". Depending on the product type, return shipping costs may be incurred.
Please note that the return policy only applies if the product is returned in perfect condition, complete and in its original packaging. If damage or defects are present, appropriate Deductions will be made.
You can print the return slip and address after you’ve registered the return.
- Print out the return request and post your return
Simply place the product and return request in the package and stick on the return label. Also make sure that the old shipping label is no longer visible. Take your parcel to a Swiss Post branch or a Päckli Punkt – or have it picked up from home with pick@home. If you drop off your parcel at a Päckli Punkt, make sure that the package does not exceed the maximum dimensions of 80x60x60cm and a weight of 30kg
It’s best to keep the issued return receipt until we confirm your return. After this confirmation, you’ll receive a refund.
You can also find more information in our Return Policy and in our general terms and conditions.